Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tired, Yet Poetically Inspired

Have you ever been so tired
Sleepy, grumpy, uninspired
That when 'twas time to awaken
You almost needed be shaken?

If you have, I feel your pain
But I really should not complain
For at least I am still talking
And not aimlessly sleepwalking

These days, of all things I hold dear
I have to make it crystal clear
My love for life would be waist deep
If I could only get some sleep

You say you love me, show it now
You’re good at sleeping, show me how!
For I know I’d shake off my blues
If a got a full nights worth of snooze!

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray to God my sleep is deep
For if it isn’t, I will weep
At the loss of my REM sleep.

If I could have this wish, I’d swear
To stand up in the township square
And at full volume, I’d declare
Naps are vital to our health care

So, can you guess what my problem is? Can you?

I have virtually no attention span when I’m sleep deprived. So, since I’m tired all the time, my lengthy prose has turned to rhyme.

Tomorrow, I hope to return with my daily dosage of prose, after I’ve had a full night’s repose. Please help me stop the rhyming, I don’t want poetic timing.

©2006 Kathleen M. Wooton, M.D.

Savvy Women's Magazine - Kathy's Kaleidoscope

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