Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Random Thoughts on a Warm December Day

If it takes six hard thrusts of the plunger to unstop the loo -

and the plunger ALMOST breaks.......

you're eating too much fiber.

Okay, about Britney Spears - everyone else is talking about her, why shouldn't I?

I've studied Anatomy textbooks with less detail than her recent "Southern Exposures". While it is of mild professional interest that Ms Brit had a low transverse cesarean incision, I didn't need to know that :

1. Nothing comes between her and her limo leather seats - NOTHING!

2. She's shorn cleaner than a yearling sheep!

Please tell me they sanitized the seat. I mean, we all know where her nether regions have been.

Seriously, I sure hope she grows up, FAST. She has two BABIES, she's an adult, she gave up her rights to wanton childishness when she said YES to motherhood. I really worry for her kids.

Oh, and to the idiotic teen boys who thought it was cool to flip the bird to my child, and call him "retard" during his birthday party at the mall arcade, I have something special to say, just for you two :

Karma is a bitch. You won't always be young and financially supported by your parents. Someday, you'll get yours. And, please note that the both of you are damned lucky my child was engrossed in a video game, and did not see, nor HEAR you, or there would have been a big old ugly scene with you two in starring roles.

I'm sure your mothers would be so proud.

©2006 Kathleen M. Wooton, M.D.

My column in Savvy Women's Magazine - Kathy's Kaleidoscope