Friday, September 23, 2005

Today's Column is Courtesy of the Letter "P"

My family and I were in the car, on the way to an appointment. We were discussing what makes words funny. I told them that my writing teacher had told me that some words are inherently funny, like the word puppet. We all agreed puppet was indeed a funny word.

We quickly discovered that many words starting with the letter “p” are funny. Soon we were constructing sentences, trying to outdo each other with the number of P words used consecutively -

Pudding puppets possess pickled pork pants
Pecan prune pie portends painful passage
Porcupines prance pertly past pots of perfect pasta

With two kids in the car, the discussion quickly descended into the potty realm. I will prudently pass on the part of the pow-wow pondering if porcupines possess prickly private parts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute and clever. Love the last line.